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While many think Christmas is only one day, Christmas is actually a season that starts on Dec. 25th and goes to Epiphany (January 6th). Christmas is the season when we celebrate that God came to us in Jesus to live among us and show us God's love. 

Use the ideas below to engage your family in the season of Christmas.



Read Luke 2:1-20

If you have a nativity set at home, move the characters as you tell the story. Take turns telling the story to one another with the characters. (purchase the pictured set here!)


The Christmas Story

The Christ Child Shows Us the Way to Bethlehem


Listen to a reading of the book " Look! A Child's Guide to Advent and Christmas."

Look! A Child's Guide to Advent and Christmas by Laura Alary:  Illustrated by Ann Boyajian


Order the book here.

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Wonder together:

  • I wonder what it was like to be one of the people at Christ's birth? Mary and Joseph? The shepherds? The animals?

  • I wonder how we can best celebrate God coming to the world in Jesus?

  • I wonder how you see and experience Jesus among us now?

  • I wonder how we will live, now that we have Jesus among us?

Children Praying

A Prayer for Christmas Morning:

Dear God, in the joy of this day, may we remember and celebrate the gift of your son Jesus Christ for the whole world. Help us to live with the hope, peace, joy, and love that Christ brings. Amen.


Prayers for the Journey: Carrying Christmas With Us

Daily prayer cards for a simple way households can encounter the gift of the incarnation and explore the meaning of Christmas. (

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Christmas Card Prayer

Look at the Christmas cards you've received and say a prayer for the people who sent them.


Light the Christ Candle

If you've been using an Advent wreath through the Advent season, light the white Christ candle, using this short liturgy.

Pick and choose the activities that work best for your family!

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Ornament Stories

Pick an ornament off the tree and share who/where it came from.

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Sing Christmas Carols

Sing and talk about which part of the Christmas story the carol is about. 

Share the joy of Christmas with others by caroling around your town.

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