New Community- God is always up to something new and we are part of God's great work. God's work is not complete - God will work through us! We can be a part of making our community new.
Scripture: Philippians 1:3-6
Check out your Camp-in-a-Box Guidebook for even more activities, conversations, and games to go along with the New Community theme this week.
For this week's Gather & Grow video, click here (password protected)
This Week's Song
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
This Week's Energizer:
Lost Without Each Other
Learn how to do this fun energizer and then do it on your own using the song! (This week's energizer was taught live during Gather & Grow. Check out the Gather & Grow recording above to learn it!
Song: Lost Without Each Other by Hanson
Make a Thank You Card
Who are you thankful for? Make a thank you card for a family member, neighbor, or community member. You can write it like our scripture for today: "I thank God for you. I'm thankful for_________. I'm glad because of the way you_____________." Write at least three cards and then use the supplies in the box to decorate them.
Friendship Bracelets
Use the instructions in your Guidebook to make a friendship bracelet. Add the wooden bead to your bracelet at some point. Everyone doing Camp-in-a-Box will have this bead on their bracelet. When you see this wooden bead, remember you are part of this community! Maybe you can make a friendship bracelet to share with a friend?