On Good Friday, we remember the day that Jesus died on the cross. This is a sad day, but it is not the end of the story!
Parents - for tips on how to tell this story in a faithful, developmental way, check out the Parents page for faith language to use.
Explore the playlist below and reflect together on the significance of this day.
Watch this video for a reading of the book "This is the Mystery of Easter by Amelia Richardson Dress, illustrated by Lily J. Moore. You can also download your own copy here!
Wonder together:
I wonder how today's story makes you feel?
I wonder if someone you love has ever died?
I wonder why this day is called Good Friday?
God never left Jesus through his pain and sadness. I wonder how you know God is with you when you are sad?

Pray together:
Loving God, remind us on a sad day like today that you are with us in our sadness. Thank you for being with us when we are happy AND sad. Thank you for Jesus who shows us your great love for us, a love that will never end. Amen.
Journey to Easter
Add to your "Journey to Easter" display in your house for Good Friday.
Click here to get access to the coloring sheets and instructions.

Create a Cross
Create a simple cross together out of anything you have on hand at home or around your house (wood, sticks, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, cardboard, etc.). Place the cross in the middle of your table or some other prominent place and wait for Easter. Save this cross - you will add to it on Easter Sunday!.
Engage in this simple prayer practice for Good Friday from Traci Smith.
Enjoy a time of Children and Worship together with the story of "Jesus Dies and God Makes Jesus Alive Again."