God has many names that we use to describe God. One is the Good Shepherd. How does thinking about God as a shepherd shape what you think about who God is and how God loves?
Explore the playlist below and reflect together on Psalm 23.

Read Psalm 23 in a variety of different translations. What do you notice?
How do the illustrations and music about Psalm 23 help you see this psalm differently?
Wonder together:
I wonder how God is like a shepherd?
I wonder how you are like a sheep?
I wonder what ways God has been caring for you and those you love lately?
I wonder what gives you comfort?
I wonder who in your life needs extra care and comfort right now? How can you care for them?

Pray Psalm 23 using this visual meditation.

Quiet Time with Psalm 23
Find a warm patch of green grass or a quiet place by some water and simply sit, notice, rest, and pray.
In your life, how do you experience God making you to "lie down in green pastures" and leading you "beside still waters"?