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Thomas was one of Jesus' disciples. When Jesus appeared to the other disciples after he had died and was raised again, Thomas didn't believe the disciples. Sometimes people call Thomas "Doubting Thomas" because he doubted Jesus was alive. But Thomas was honest about what he was thinking and feeling and the questions he had about Jesus. And Jesus showed up in the midst of his doubt in a powerful way! 


Explore the playlist below and reflect together about how our questions about our faith help us grow in faith.  


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Look up this story in your Bible and read it together from John 20:19-31.  




Listen to and watch this video of a reading of the children's book called "Does God Know How to Tie Shoes?" (video is password protected)

Book published by Eerdman's for Young Readers



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Wonder together:

  • Have you ever been left out of something that other people got to experience? How did that feel?

  • I wonder how Thomas felt when the other disciples described their experience with seeing Jesus again?

  • I wonder how Thomas felt when he saw Jesus for himself?

  • If Jesus was standing in front of you, what questions would you want to ask him?

  • We don't get to see Jesus physically like the disciples did. But Jesus told the disciples he would send the Holy Spirit to them. We can see Jesus at work in the world through the Holy Spirit. How do you see Jesus in the world?



Children Praying

What questions do you have for God? Prayer is a conversation with God, involving both talking AND listening. As your prayer, ask your questions to God and sit in stillness with God, trusting in the midst of your questions. 




Make a Seek and Find Journal

Grab a notebook you already have or make a journal using these easy-to-find materials (just need paper, hole punch, a stick, and a rubber band!)

Title the left side of the paper "Seek"

List your questions you have for God here. Questions about God, faith, or life.

Title the right side of the paper "Find"

Note each day where you are seeing God at work in your life and in the world.  Where do you see God's love, joy, hope, peace, and forgiveness?

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Create a Question Box

Find a small-sized box at your house and decorate it however you wish. Have a parent help with cutting a slit in the box big enough to fit a small piece of paper through. Label the box the "Question Box." 

Cut up some small pieces of paper and lay it by the side of the box. Anytime someone in your family thinks of a question they have (about life, faith, God, or more), you can write it on the piece of paper and slip it into the Question Box. 

Place the Question Box in the middle of your kitchen table (or wherever else your family gathers frequently). Each time you sit down to eat or gather as a family, pull a question out of the question box and discuss how you would answer it. 

Phone a friend - need help thinking through a question? Call a friend, grandparent, pastor, Sunday school leader, or another person you trust! 


Enjoy a time of Children and Worship together with the story of "Jesus Appears to Thomas."

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