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On the day Jesus appeared following his death and resurrection (Easter!), two of Jesus' friends were walking along the road to Emmaus (a town near Jerusalem). The two friends are sad about Jesus' death (at this part in the book of Luke, Jesus had not yet appeared to anyone). Jesus comes alongside the friends, but they do not recognize him. Discover how the disciples realize it's Jesus with them!


Explore the playlist below and reflect together on this story.  


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Read this story in your Bible in Luke 24:13-35.  

Reflect on the story through the commentary "Breaking Bread" from the Salt Project.




The Road to Emmaus has been portrayed in art by many artists for hundreds of years. Click on the links below to view several different representations of this story in art. How does each piece of art help you understand more about the story and see it in a new way?

Road to Emmaus by Robyn Sand Anderson

Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio

The Supper at Emmaus by Rembrandt


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Wonder about this:

  • I wonder why the disciples did not recognize that it was Jesus?

  • I wonder where in your life Jesus is close to you in ways you might normally overlook?

  • I wonder how you can pay more attention to Jesus' presence in your life?

  • I wonder what you would talk about if you were walking along the road with Jesus?

  • I wonder how you experience Jesus when receiving communion?




Guided imagery prayer is a way to pray with our imaginations. Enter into prayer through the story of the road to Emmaus using this Guided Imagery Prayer​ 



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Take a Walk

Take a walk​, by yourself or with your family. As you walk, think about those two friends on the road to Emmaus and Jesus' encounter with them.

  • The two friends were sad about the death of their friend, the person they had hoped would be the Messiah, the Savior.

    • What grief are you holding right now? What feelings of sadness are you experiencing, either related to this pandemic or not.

  • As they walked, Jesus appeared to them, but they did not recognize him. 

    • As ​you walk, be observant to God's world around you. What are you walking by that you normally don't notice? Take some time to be present to what surrounds you, noticing God in those parts of nature you usually don't pay attention to. 

  • Make your way back home and enjoy a snack while you think about the part of the story where Jesus is made known to the disciples in the breaking of the bread. 

    • What is it about gathering at the table with our Lord Jesus during communion that makes us see Jesus and ourselves more clearly?​

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